Sunday, December 28, 2008
Este Natal foi um Natal muito giro.
Estive outra vez com os malucos dos meus primos e a minha tia (<3) e recebi o Singstar Rocks :D É TÃO FIXE!!! E ainda por cima é viciante.
Tem músicas giras como, Go with the Flow dos QOTSA, Run dos Snow Patrol, Somebody told me dos The Killers, Are you going to be my girl? dos Jet...e mais umas quantas. E ainda tem outras giras que não conhecia.
Este é outro dos pros do Singstar, para além de ser viciante, por mais que se oiça outras coisas já só se canta e se tem na cabeça as músicas do jogo. MAS É TÃO GIRO :D
You've been the only thing that's right in all I've done *-*
E faltam 5 ou 4 dias para o novo ano :D (não sei ao certo...que dia é hoje mesmo? o_o) ...wtv
Vou passar o ano com o Gato Fedorento outra vez provavelmente >:C BORING!
Até lá, I guess.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Waking up with the wolves
Can you feel me love?
Can you see me love?
You wake up alone.
It's still forty days until I come home.
Does it get easier love?
It seems like it never does...
Is that why you lie,
And tell me you're alright?
Close your eyes, and pretend I'm by your side!
Can you feel me tonight?
Can you see me tonight?
I know you're not alright, but this is all we have tonight.
It hurts, but can you feel me love?
Can you see me love?
Are you alright?
I'm starving for answers.
I need to know exactly where you are, wherever you are.
It's cold tonight...
These sheets feel like winter.
Are you with someone else tonight?
Is your body his instead of mine?
So I lie, and tell you I'm alright.
Close your eyes, and pretend I'm by your side my love.
Can you feel me tonight?
Can you see me tonight?
I know you're not alright, but this is all we're yellin tonight.
It hurts, but can you feel me love?
Can you see me love?
Why are you waking up with the wolves?!
I know you're not alone.
I heard someones voice on the telephone.
I can't stay out here for one more night.
I'm coming home,
You were my home!
Close your eyes, and pretend I'm yours once again tonight.
Can you feel me love?
Can you see me love?
Even though you're not alright,
For once more,
Let me be yours tonight.
Please forgive me love!
Will you see me love?!
This is too much to take in for one night!
Friday, December 5, 2008
This I love
She wouldn't say goodbye.
But then it seems
That I had seen it in her eyes.
Though it might not be wise,
I'd still have to try,
With all the love I have inside.
I can't deny!
I just can't let it die,
'Cause her heart's just like mine.
And she holds her pain inside.
So if you ask me why
She wouldn't say goodbye
I know somewhere inside
There is a special light,
Still shining bright
And even on the darkest night
She can't deny.
So if she's somewhere near me,
I hope to God she hears me.
There's no one else could ever make me feel,
I'm so alive!
I hoped she'd never leave me.
Please God you must believe me,
I've searched the universe and found myself
Within' her eyes.
No matter how I try,
They say it's all a lie.
So what's the use of my
Confessions to a crime
Of passions that won’t die
In my heart!?
So if she's somewhere near me,
I hope to God she hears me.
There's no one else could ever make me feel,
I'm so alive!
I hoped she'd never leave me.
Please God you must believe me,
I've searched the universe and found myself
Within' her eyes.
So now I don't know why
She wouldn't say goodbye.
It just might be that I
Had seen it in her eyes
And now it seems that I
Gave up my ghost of pride.
I'll never say goodbye.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
- Hmmm?
- Como é o feminino de sexo?
- O quê?
- O feminino de sexo.
- Não tem.
- Sexo não tem feminino?
- Não.
- Só tem sexo masculino?
- É. Quer dizer, não. Existem dois sexos. Masculino e feminino.
- E como é o feminino de sexo?
- Não tem feminino. Sexo é sempre masculino.
- Mas tu mesmo disse que tem sexo masculino e feminino.
- O sexo pode ser masculino ou feminino. A palavra "sexo" é masculina. O sexo masculino, o sexo feminino.
- Não devia ser "a sexa"?
- Não.
- Poque não?
- Porque não! Desculpe. Porque não. "Sexo" é sempre masculino.
- O sexo da mulher é masculino?
- É. Não! O sexo da mulher é feminino.
- E como é o feminino?
- Sexo mesmo. Igual ao do homem.
- O sexo da mulher é igual ao do homem?
- É. Quer dizer... Olha aqui. Tem o sexo masculino e o sexo feminino, certo?
- Certo.
- São duas coisas diferentes.
- Então como é o feminino de sexo?
- É igual ao masculino.
- Mas não são diferentes?
- Não. Ou, são! Mas a palavra é a mesma. É sempre masculino.
- A palavra é masculina.
- Não. "A palavra" é feminino. Se fosse masculina seria "O pal..."
Chega! Vai brincar, vai.
O garoto sai e a mãe entra. O pai comenta:
- Temos que ficar de olho nesse guri...
- Porquê?
- Ele só pensa em gramática.
Sunday, November 2, 2008

And it scares me.
What are these voices that tell me that I'm ugly and fake?
And I think they might be right.
I'm nothing,
And I have no heart.
It's quite possibly, I have no soul.
Drugs can't help me anymore.
And I think I'm dying,
We're both dying.
But sooner than others, I think.
My time is now,
And I burned the bodies to the ground.
I saw faces turned to ash,
And I remember these faces, baby,
Because it's the last thing you'll ever see,
Too bad it's not as good looking as you like.
I'm already dead
And I think I'll take you,
I'll take you with me.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
More words... Words won't change anything.
You gave me wings, just so you could take them away.
Why? Did you hate me that much?
I always loved you so much... I still love you.
I hope you can understand why I did what I did.
I'm not your toy...
I'll always be here waiting for you to understand.
I will be here waiting for you to give me wings again.
And then we'll fly. Fly away... Fly forever.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Ai, Margarida
Se eu te desse a minha vida,
Que farias tu com ela?
- Tirava os brincos do prego.
Casava c'um homem cego
E ia morar para a Estrela.
Mas, Margarida,
Se eu te desse a minha vida,
Que diria tua mãe?
- (Ela conhece-me a fundo.)
Que há muito parvo no mundo,
E que eras parvo também.
E, Margarida,
Se eu te desse a minha vida
No sentido de morrer?
- Eu iria ao teu enterro,
Mas achava que era um erro
Querer amar sem viver.
Mas, Margarida,
Se este dar-te a minha vida
Não fosse senão poesia?
- Então, filho, nada feito.
Fica tudo sem efeito.
Nesta casa não se fia.
by Fernando Pessoa
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
In the flesh [excerto]
- No!
She holds her ears.
-You know that I love you!
Pretends she doesn't hear.
- We're in this together. We share the same skin.
Panic in his voice now.
- Free us from sin!
-Tell me that you love me!
This is the end...
- I know that you do.
Of her way.
Never ever again follow me down.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Ride with me?
He put his boots on.
He took a face from the ancient gallery and he walked on down the hall.
He went into the room where his sister lived and he...
He paid a visit to his brother and then he...
He walked on down the hall, yeah.
And he came to a door.
And he looked inside.
'Yes son?'
'I want to kill you'
He said 'what?'
'And mother? I want to...'
I want to fuck you!
For what you put me through.
So what you've got.
So fuck you!
It's coming back to you.
So what you've got.
The other night I was out riding in a friend's car and out there on the side of the road there was this snake.
This snake had eyes of fire and fangs from another world.
But he was selling something.
He was selling devotion.
He was selling dreams.
He was selling lifestyles.
And I said 'sure man, what you've got? I'm interested in anything that's gonna get me off'
And the snake just stood there and smiled, with the spit in his eye, and cried:
Fuck you!
For what you put me through.
So what you've got.
So fuck you!
It's coming back to you.
So what you've got.
He was selling dreams and he was selling lies.
I met the prisoner of my own device.
He was selling love, he was selling bliss.
He sold me anything, I could not resist!
Ride with me...
I had the freedom to live how I wanted.
To take what I wanted to take from anyone at any time.
Forever in heartache.
As the snake just stood there and smiled.
At my demise, I wasn't scared.
So fuck you!
For what you put me through.
So what you've got.
So fuck you!
For what you put me through.
So what you've got.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Just got my license back
I got this feeling in my veins this train is coming off the track
I'll ask polite if the devil needs a ride
Because the angel on my right ain't hanging out with me tonight
I'm driving past your house while you were sneaking out
I got the car door opened up so you can jump in on the run
Your mom don't know that you were missing
She'd be pissed if she could see the parts of you that I've been kissing
No, we're never gonna quit
Ain't nothing wrong with it
Just acting like we're animals
No, no matter where we go
'Cause everybody knows
We're just a couple of animals
So come on baby, get in
Get in, just get in
Check out the trouble we're in
You're beside me on the seat
Got your hand between my knees
And you control how fast we go by just how hard you wanna squeeze
It's hard to steer when you're breathing in my ear
But I got both hands on the wheel while you got both hands on my gears
By now, no doubt that we were heading south
I guess nobody ever taught her not to speak with a full mouth
'Cause this was it, like flicking on a switch
It felt so good I almost drove into the ditch
I'm screamin'
No, we're never gonna quit
Ain't nothing wrong with it
Just acting like we're animals
No, no matter where we go
'Cause everybody knows
We're just a couple of animals
So come on baby, get in
Get in, just get in
Look at the trouble we're in
We were parked out by the tracks
We're sitting in the back
And we just started getting busy
When she whispered "what was that?"
The wind, I think 'cause no one else knows where we are
And that was when she started screamin'
"That's my dad outside the car!"
Oh please, the keys, they're not in the ignition
Must have wound up on the floor while
we were switching our positions
I guess they knew that she was missing
As I tried to tell her dad it was her mouth that I was kissing
No, we're never gonna quit
Ain't nothing wrong with it
Just acting like we're animals
No, no matter where we go
'Cause everybody knows
We're just a couple of animals
So come on baby, get in
We're just a couple of animals
Get in, just get in
Ain't nothing wrong with it
Check out the trouble we're in
Get in, just get in
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
You think you're a man
Turn around, take one final look at what you've left behind.
Then walk away from the greatest lover you have ever known.
Yes, walk away.
You're telling me that you can make it on your own by yourself all alone without my help.
Mister you just made a big mistake!
You think you're a man but you're only a boy.
You think you're a man, you are only a toy.
You think you're a man but you just couldn't see you weren't man enough to satisfy me.
Shut the door, take a look around and tell me what you find.
Shut the door, take a giant step for you and all mankind.
Then don't come back!
I always gave you so much more than you deserve.
No, don't come back!
'Cause no one makes a fool of me, you've got a nerve to walk away.
Mark the words I'm gonna say, mister you just made a big mistake!
You think you're a man but you're only a boy.
You think you're a man, you are only a toy.
You think you're a man but you just couldn't see you weren't man enough to satisfy me.
Shut the door, take a look around and tell me what you find.
Shut the door, take a giant step for you and all mankind.
Then don't come back!
I always gave you so much more than you deserve.
No, don't come back!
'Cause no one makes a fool of me, you've got a nerve to walk away.
Mark the words I'm gonna say, mister you just made a big mistake!
You think you're a man but you're only a boy.
You think you're a man, you are only a toy.
You think you're a man but you just couldn't see you weren't man enough to satisfy me.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Tu não tens
Se o tens de ouvir tens de o fazer. E o mundo diz: tu tens de mudar!
Só não lavou as tuas mãos, mas tens as mãos do mundo para lavar.
Afasta-te um pouco mais e dorme em paz que tu não tens de dar o teu sorriso assim.
Esgotando o teu juízo assim.
Tu não tens de mudar.
Quem te quer mudar não te quer conhecer.
Tu não tens de o fazer!
Eu não tenho nada meu pois tudo o que era bom foi na corrente de o ter.
Agora dei o meu dia para ser feliz .
Para ver que eu nunca vou ter o mundo na minha mão.
Não tenhas pena de mim agora que os dias já não são de ouro.
Mas antes sim, existiam problemas.
E agora todos nós somos actores de cinema e escondemo-nos bem nos olhos que o mundo tem.
Mas toda gente nos vê.
Só não nos ouve ninguém.
Tu não tens de ver.
Tu não tens sequer de amar!
Tu só vais achar que vês quando ao sabor da tua lei o amor fizer de ti seu rei, para sempre.
Para sempre...
Não tenho nada meu.
Eu não tenho nada meu!
by SuperNada
Thursday, June 5, 2008
As putas dançam slows.
Trava por dentro o tempo, antes de se ir deitar.
Despe-se de gente para ninguém entrar.
Não ama quem quer, mas quem a quer amar
Despe-se de gente para ninguém entrar.
Não ama quem quer, mas quem a quer amar.
Dispo-me de gente para ninguém entrar.
Não amo quem quero, mas quem me quer amar.
Dispo-me de gente para ninguém entrar.
Não amo quem quero, mas quem me quer amar.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Verei se um dia me volta a imaginação para escrever aqui algo de jeito, para além de lyrics.
Por hoje é tudo. Bai bai.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Why can't I be you?
I'll kiss you from your feet to where your head begins!
You're so perfect!
You're so right as rain!
You make me, make me hungry again.
Everything you do is irresistible.
Everything you do is simply kissable.
Why can't I be you?
I'll run around in circles 'til I run out of breath.
I'll eat you all up or I'll just hug you to death.
You're so wonderful!
Too good to be true!
You make me, make me hungry for you.
Everything you do is simply delicate.
Everything you do is quite angelicate.
Why can't I be you?
You turn my head when you turn around.
You turn the whole world upside down!
I'm smitten, I'm bitten, I'm hooked, I'm cooked,
I'm stuck like glue!
You make me, make me hungry for you.
Everything you do is simply dreamy.
Everything you do is quite delicious.
Why can't I be you?
Why can't I be you?
Why can't I be you?
You're simply elegant!
Sunday, May 11, 2008
It dawned on me
As far as I know, let it go
'Cause it's never quite what it seems
You should know but you don't
'Cause you dropped yourself to your knees
It dawned on me
See what I mean to say please
And there's no one else there but me
You should know but you don't
As it slaps you upside the face
Now I see, I believe
By the bruise that adorns your cheek
It dawned on me
See if I wanted in I'd agree
That it pays to be more like you
Well you know
And it shows as you dropped yourself to your knees
It dawned on me
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
O amor é não haver policia
Cantamos e dançamos como se fosse a última vez, o último olhar, o último toque, o último beijo.
Estás linda.
O teu vestido, da cor do vinho que enche os copos, aquece o chão que pisas e relembra a razão. Todas as razões.
Diz-lhe para parar aqui. Eu queria tanto parar aqui.
Os olhos param em ti e em mim, enquanto preenchemos o espaço vazio, impossivel de preencher por alguém que não nós.
Não pedimos o fim, mas não nos importamos se acabar assim.
Diz-lhe para parar aqui. Eu queria tanto parar aqui.
O mundo é grande e em todo o lado se vive.
Diz-lhe para parar aqui, vivemos em caixas de fósforos. Não sopres.
Se as mãos pudessem dizer por mim.
Eu queria tanto parar aqui.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Gente inútil nao devia existir, certo? Gente que só faz mal aos outros não devia existir, certo? Gente que só dá trabalho aos outros não devia existir, certo? Certo, certo, certo!!!
I really thought I could heal you, wake you up from your despair and chase your demons far away but I couldn't even stay awake myself.
Monday, April 21, 2008
I hate you
When you look deep into my eyes
Do you begin to realize
That we're in misery?
I don't understand
It's such a mystery to me
and we agree to disagree,
'Cause we were never meant to be
and all I know is
I hate you
I think it's safe to say you hate me too
How did we ever get this fucked up point of view
Oh anyway, anyway
Well it's alright
Let you come over we can scream and fight
and in the end you wanna stay with me all night
and that's alright with me.
Everybody says
That I should stay away from you
and I know you're friends are too
But they don't have a clue.
Tell me why you think
We like to play the games we play
and say the evil things we say
and what we're doing here today together now 'cause I know
I hate you
I think it's safe to say you hate me too
How did we ever get this fucked up point of view
Oh anyway, anyway
Well it's alright
Let you come over we can scream and fight
and in the end you wanna stay with me all night
and that's alright with me.
Why you and I start to fight then you cry
Slam my door hit the lights
Happens every time.
I've got your fist in my face and you're all that I can taste
But I want for you to stay
It's all that I can suffer 'cause it sucks I hate when we break up
But it's part of making up and you know
That's the only time we agree
It's so easy to see
Tell me what to think
When you look deep into my eyes
and every time it's a surprise
That we're in misery
I hate you
I think it's safe to say you hate me too
How did we ever get this fucked up point of view
Oh anyway, anyway
Well it's alright
Let you come over we can scream and fight
and in the end you wanna stay with me all night
and that's alright
That's alright
I hate you
I think it's safe to say you hate me too
How did we ever get this fucked up point of view
Oh anyway, anyway
Well it's alright
Let you come over we can scream and fight
and in the end you wanna stay with me all night
and that's alright with me
That's alright
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Partir para ficar
Mãe, eu não quero pensar mais.
Mãe, eu quero morrer mãe.
Eu quero desnascer, ir-me embora, sem sequer ter que
me ir embora.
Mãe, por favor, tudo menos a casa em vez de mim.
Outro maldito que não sou senão este tempo que decorre
entre fugir de me encontrar e de me encontrar fugindo,
de quê mãe?
Diz, são coisas que se me perguntem? Não pode haver
razão para tanto sofrimento.
E se inventássemos o mar de volta? E se inventássemos
partir, para regressar?
Partir e aí nessa viagem ressuscitar da morte das
arrecuas que me deste.
Partida para ganhar, partida de acordar, abrir os
olhos, numa ânsia colectiva de tudo fecundar, terra,
mar, mãe...
Lembrar como o mar nos ensinava a sonhar alto, lembrar
nota a nota o canto das sereias... Lembrar cada
lágrima, cada abraço, cada morte, cada traição, partir
aqui com a ciência toda do passado, partir, aqui, para
by Linda Martini
Sunday, March 2, 2008
It's hard to say
The singer sheds a tear, her fear of falling out
And it's hard to say how I feel today
For years gone by and I cried
It's hard to say that I was wrong
It's hard to say I miss you
Since you've been gone, it's not the same
My worries weigh the world, how I used to be
And everything, I'm cold, seems a plague in me
And it's hard to say how I feel today
For years gone by and I cried
It's hard to say that I was wrong
It's hard to say I miss you
Since you've been gone, it's not the same
It's hard to say I held my tongue
It's hard to say if only
Since you've been gone, it's not the same
Worse than the fear it's the lie you told a thousand times before
Worse than a fear it's the knife
But it's hard to say how I feel today
For years gone by and I cried
It's hard to say that I was wrong
It's hard to say I miss you
Since you've been gone, it's not the same
It's hard to say I held my tongue
It's hard to say if only
Since you've been gone, I'm not the same
It's hard to say (God, it's hard to say)
Since you've been gone,
I'm not the same
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Sunday, February 10, 2008
In this room, insane I remain
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
R.I.P. Heath Ledger
Muito triste um actor do calibre dele ter morrido tão novo, e ter deixado uma filha tão novinha para trás também... É mesmo triste isto.
Gostava de fazer um melhor post em nome dele ou assim, mas infelizmente não tenho jeito...

You will always be in our hearts <3
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Eish, tenho de actualizar isto
Lindo :'D
Saturday, January 5, 2008
House of cards!
And I'm trying not to think
I take some pills 'cause my mind bleeds
I'm thinking what is wrong with me
Because the only thing I know
About honesty
Is every lie I told
That you believed
I'm afraid, to be alone
I'm afraid, that one day you'll find out
And you'll be amazed
At the secrets I keep
You'll be amazed
At my mouth full of lies
I'm too afraid to come clean
My life's still free in the house of cards
Now I can't look you in your eyes
Because the guilt is killing me
I try disconnect my heart again
Just so I can breathe
I wanna be myself again
But I just can't 'cause
I'm afraid, to be alone
I'm afraid, that one day you'll find out
And you'll be amazed
At the secrets I keep
You'll be amazed
At my mouth full of lies
I'm too afraid to come clean
My life's still free in the house of cards
It's such a shame what I've become
After years of breaking down
My whole life has come undone
'Cause I'm trying to fake it all
And I know that you love someone
But that someone isn't me
Isn't me
And you'll be amazed
At the secrets I keep
You'll be amazed
At my mouth full of lies
I'm too afraid to come clean
My life's still free in the house of cards
You'll be amazed
You'll be amazed
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Sismo em arraiolos!
Ocorreu pouco antes das 9horas. Eu comecei assim a sentir a cama a tremer, mas não liguei. De repente oiço um estrondo e a minha cama a mudar de sitio. Eu fiquei em panico! (agora quem ler isto pensa que é patético e que eu sou parva, mas isso é verdade, por isso não me chateiem.)
"Esta actividade sísmica não causou danos pessoais ou materiais" Na verdade, eu fiquei com dois copos rachados.
Enfim... Pena o sismo não ter dado cabo desta terra.
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Primeiro post do ano!
Felicidades para todos xx <3