Saturday, December 19, 2009

The Nobodies

Today I'm dirty.
I want to to be pretty.
Tomorrow I know, I'm just dirt.

Fear the nobodies!

Wanna be somebodies!
We're dead, we know just who we are!

Yesterday I was dirty,
Wanted to be pretty.
I know now that I'm forever dirt.

Fear the nobodies!
Wanna be somebodies!
We're dead, we know just who we are!

Some children died the other day,
We feed machines and then we pray.
Puked up and down in morbid faith.
You should have seen the ratings that day!

We are the nobodies!
Wanna be somebodies!
We're dead, we know just who we are!

by Marilyn Manson

Friday, December 4, 2009


You have eyes that lead me on,
And a body that shows me death.
Your lips look like they were made for something else
But they just suck my breath.

I want your pain,
To taste why you're ashamed.
And I know you're not just what you say to me,
And I'm not the only moment you're made of.

You're so sudden and sweet.
All legs, knuckle, knees.
Head's blown clean off,
Your mouth's paid off.
Fuck me 'til we know it's unsafe,
And we'll paint over the evidence.

I want you wanting me.
I want what I see in your eyes.
So give me something to be scared of,
Don't give me something to satisfy.

You're so sudden and sweet.
All legs, knuckle, knees.
Head's blown clean off,
Your mouth's paid off.
Fuck me 'til we know it's unsafe,
And we'll paint over the evidence.

I want your pain,
To taste why you're ashamed.
And I know you're not just what you say to me,
And I'm not the only moment you're made of.

You're so sudden and sweet.
All legs, knuckle, knees.
Head's blown clean off,
Your mouth's paid off.
Fuck me 'til we know it's unsafe,
And we'll paint over the evidence.

by Marilyn Manson

Thursday, December 3, 2009

O Anti-Cristo em Portugal! (1 Dezembro, 2009)

Assim que acordei, (dia 1, este post vai atrasado...) vi logo que o Anti-Cristo tinha chegado a Portugal. Estava um dia super esquisito! Mesmo dia à Marilyn Manson. - E às duas da manhã o céu estava de tal maneira que parecia madrugada.

Eram exactamente nove horas quando cheguei ao Campo Pequeno. Lá entrei, ba bla bla... A banda de abertura era fixe.
Às dez horas, para aí dez minutos antes de o concerto começar mesmo, já eu via o Twiggy a andar dum lado para o outro no palco (sim, tinha lá o pano manhoso a tapar, mas donde eu estava dava para ver o lado direito do palco). Quando finalmente começou, foi delírio total. O Marilyn Manson a sair dalí no meio do fumo, foi espectacular.

A primeira música que ele cantou do novo albúm, "High End of Low", foi "Pretty As A Swastika". FUCKING AWESOME! Adorei a fatiota, e o cenário, e... adorei tudo!
Sinceramente, foi um concerto tão fantástico que se eu começo aqui a falar não paro... Mas para não falar dos pormenores todos (porque de certeza que depois me escapava alguma coisa e tinha de vir cá sempre acrescentar quando me lembrasse), digo simplesmente que - na minha opinião - o momento alto da noite foi quando ele queimou a Bíblia (aquilo só podia ser uma bíblia, né!) na "Four Rusted Horses".
Mas a "Devour" e a "Irresponsible Anthem" também foram tão fixes!...
E como eu já calculava, estão me a escapacar coisas... Adorei os cenários todos, btw.
Bem... Acabou com a "Beautiful People", ou seja, acabou em grande!

Foi a primeira vez que fui a um concerto do Marilyn Manson, e adorei. É para repetir, sem dúvida alguma.
O headbanging e a emoção foram de tal maneira que a verdade é que no dia a seguir nem me levantei da cama (true story!). Aliás, ainda estou meio ressacada, e não bebi nada!

Saturday, November 28, 2009


I'm feeling rotten today
I guess
I forgot I am shot
I'm not ok
So long to pain,
So long to games
So long say goodbye
Someone tell me why,
I'm feeling cold inside
Do I wanna, do I wanna die?
Someone tell me why,
It's building up inside
Do I wanna die and
Kiss it all goodbye?

I'm a sinking ship
On a sea of bliss, I'm not ok
I'm blind to this
Is this just a test
To help me see?

by Mötley Crüe

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Álvaro de Campos (Cansaço)

O que há em mim é sobretudo cansaço -
Não disto nem daquilo,
Nem sequer de tudo ou de nada:
Cansaço assim mesmo, ele mesmo,

A subtileza das sensações inúteis,
As paixões violentas por coisa nenhuma,
Os amores intensos por o suposto em alguém,
Essas coisas todas -
Essas e o que faz falta nelas eternamente -;
Tudo isso faz um cansaço,
Este cansaço,

Há sem dúvida quem ame o infinito,
Há sem dúvida quem deseje o impossível,
Há sem dúvida quem não queira nada -
Três tipos de idealistas, e eu nenhum deles:
Porque eu amo infinitamente o finito,
Porque eu desejo impossivelmente o possível,
Porque quero tudo, ou um pouco mais, se puder ser,
Ou até se não puder ser...

E o resultado?
Para eles a vida vivida ou sonhada,
Para eles o sonho sonhado ou vivido,
Para eles a média entre tudo e nada, isto é, isto...
Para mim só um grande, um profundo,
E, ah com que felicidade infecundo, cansaço,
Um supremíssimo cansaço,
Íssimo, íssimo, íssimo,

(So true...)

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Random thoughts

Your hope is gone, and so is mine.

I won't live your weak wicked lie.

You don't cry like you should.

by Breaking Benjamin

I am the idiot who will not be himself.

Let's jut kill everyone and let your God sort them out.

I don't need to choose a side!

It's not your fault that you're always wrong!

I never ever believed in me.

I make myself sick just to poison you.

"Love everybody" is destroying the value of "all hate has got me nowhere".

by Marilyn Manson

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Dactilografia - Álvaro de Campos

Traço, sozinho, no meu cubículo de engenheiro, o plano,
Firmo o projecto, aqui isolado,
Remoto até de quem eu sou.

Ao lado, acompanhamento banalmente sinistro,
O tic-tac estalado das máquinas de escrever.

Que náusea da vida!
Que abjecção esta regularidade!
Que sono este ser assim!

Outrora, quando fui outro, eram castelos e cavalarias
(Ilustrações, talvez, de qualquer livro de infância),
Outrora, quando fui verdadeiro ao meu sonho,
Eram grandes paisagens do Norte, explícitas de neve,
Eram grandes palmares do sul, opulentos de verdes.


Ao lado, acompanhamento banalmente sinistro,
O tic-tac estalado das máquinas de escrever.

Temos todos duas vidas:
A verdadeira, que é a que sonhamos na infância,
E que continuamos sonhando, adultos, num substracto de névoa;
A falsa, que é a que vivemos em convivência com outros,
Que é a prática, a útil,
Aquela em que acabam por nos meter num caixão.

Na outra não há caixões, nem mortes.
Há só ilustrações de infância:
Grandes livros coloridos, para ver mas não ler;
Grandes páginas de cores para recordar mais tarde.
Na outra somos nós,
Na outra vivemos;
Nesta morremos, que é o que viver quer dizer.
Neste momento, pela náusea, vivo na outra...

Mas ao lado, acompanhamento banalmente sinistro,
Se, desmeditando, escuto,
Ergue a voz o tic-tac estalado das máquinas de escrever.

Mister Superstar

Hey Mr. Superstar, I'll do anyhting for you.
Hey Mr. Superstar, I'm your number one fan.

Hey Mr. Porno Star, I want you.
Hey Mr. Sickly Star, I want to get sick from you.
Hey Mr. Fallen Star, don't you know I worship you?
Hey Mr. Big Rock Star, I wanna grow up just like you.

I know that I can turn you on.
I wish I could just turn you off.
I never wanted this!

Hey Mr. Superhate, I just want to love you.
Hey Mr. Superfuck, I wanna go down on you.
Hey Mr. Supergod, will you answer my prayers?
Hey Mr. Superman, I want to be your little girl.

I know that I can turn you on.
I wish I could just turn you off.
I never wanted this!

Hey Mr. Superstar, I'll kill myself for you.
Hey Mr. Superstar, I'll kill you if I can't have you!

by Marilyn Manson

Friday, November 6, 2009

"Vem sentar-te comigo"

Vem sentar-te comigo, Lídia, à beira do rio.
Sossegadamente fitemos o seu curso e aprendamos
Que a vida passa, e não estamos de mãos enlaçadas.
(Enlacemos as mãos.)

Depois pensemos, crianças adultas, que a vida
Passa e não fica, nada deixa e nunca regressa,
Vai para um mar muito longe, para ao pé do Fado,
Mais longe que os deuses.

Desenlacemos as mãos, porque não vale a pensa cansarmo-nos.
Quer gozemos, quer não gozemos, passamos como o rio.
Mais vale saber passar silenciosamente
E sem desassossegos grandes.

Sem amores, nem ódios, nem paixões que levantam a voz,
Nem invejas que dão movimento demais aos olhos,
Nem cuidados, porque se os tivesse o rio sempre correria,
E sempre iria ter ao mar.

Amemo-nos tranquilamente, pensando que podíamos,
Se quiséssemos, trocar beijos e abraços e carícias,
Mas que mais vale estarmos sentados ao pé um do outro
Ouvindo correr o rio e vendo-o.

Colhamos flores, pega tu nelas e deixa-as
No colo, e que o seu perfume suavize o momento -
Este momento em que sossegadamente não cremos em nada,
Pagãos inocentes da decadência.

Ao menos, se for sombra antes, lembrar-te-ás de mim depois
Sem que a minha lembrança te arda ou te fira ou te mova,
Porque nunca enlaçamos as mãos, nem nos beijamos
Nem fomos mais do que crianças.

E se antes do que eu levares o óbolo ao barqueiro sombrio,
Eu nada terei que sofrer ao lembrar-me de ti.
Ser-me-ás suave à memória lembrando-te assim - à beira-rio,
Pagã triste e com flores no regaço.

by Ricardo Reis

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

I know where you live

"We found his diary today. He wrote in great detail how cleverly he planned all of the killings. How precisely he executed his insane fantasies.
It was all so perfect
, except for one thing..."

I like to watch from my car.
I like to make sure you don't go far.
I know the hours you sleep.
Don't approve of the company that you keep.

While you're in work I'm alone
In your room, on your bed and you'll never know.
I like to go through your things,
The touch, the smell, the joy it brings.

I know where you live.
I know where you hide.
I know what keeps you alive.

I know where you go.
I know who you know.
I know where you're spending your nights.

I don't like the guy in the suit,
Or that street punk in the combat boots.
You may not see them again,
I showed them a quick but a painful end.

I know where you live.
I know where you hide.
I know what keeps you alive.

I know where you go.
I know who you know.
I know where you're spending your nights.

I see, I feel, I watch over you...

I want to know what you say.
I need to hear the prayers you pray.
I like to play with your hair
When you sleep and you dream
And there's no one there - but I'm there.

I know where you live.
I know where you hide.
I know what keeps you alive.

I know where you go.
I know who you know.
I know where you're spending your nights.

I see, I feel, I watch over you...

by Alice Cooper

Monday, November 2, 2009



Isto é o que eu faço praticamente em todas as minhas aulas.
Estava a fazer um trabalho e vi a folha, e achei engraçado pôr aqui lol.

Enfim, como disse a minha professora, é uma confusão! :P

Friday, October 30, 2009

Para acontecer...

Eu sou uma triste. Tinha uma ideia para um postzinho tão fofo (vá, não era fofo, mas era algo!), mas assim que cheguei ao painel, ou à homepage, ou lá o que é aquilo do blog, pus-me a ver dos outros blogs. Passaram duas horas. Agora tenho a cabeça a doer porque tenho sono e estou cansada (e não devo ter tempo para mimir uma sesta que daqui a pouco tenho de sair po teatro!).
Resumindo, agora já não tenho paciência para escrever. Pois... Amanhã, se tiver tempo ou paciência, escrevo.

Por agora deixo aqui uma coisa que encontrei que escrevi há uns tempos e achei piada:

"Quando Cantigas diz:
Quando eu vou dormir / tu queres é brincar / vestes outro lençol / eu durmo até o sol me vir acordar, está claramente a falar de sexo. Ok, ele não está no mood para isso, prefere dormir. Mas também, quem é que tem mood para fazer sexo com um fantasma?"

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Ricardo Reis

Estás só. Ninguém o sabe. Cala e finge.
Mas finge sem fingimento.
Nada 'speres que em ti já não exista,
Cada um consigo é triste.
Tens sol se há sol, ramos se ramos buscas,
Sorte se a sorte é dada.

Alberto Caeiro

O único sentido íntimo das cousas
É elas não terem sentido íntimo nenhum.

Não acredito em Deus porque nunca o vi.
Se ele quisesse que eu acreditasse nele,
Sem dúvida que viria falar comigo
E entraria pela minha porta dentro
Dizendo-me, Aqui estou!

(Isto é talvez ridículo aos ouvidos
De quem, por não saber o que é olhar para as cousas,
Não compreende quem fala delas
Com o modo de falar que reparar para elas ensina.)

Mas se Deus é as flores e as árvores
E os montes e sol e o luar,
Então acredito nele,
Então acredito nele a toda a hora,
E a minha vida é toda uma oração e uma missa,
E uma comunhão com os olhos e pelos ouvidos.

Mas se Deus é as árvores e as flores
E os montes e o luar e o sol,
Para que lhe chamo eu Deus?
Chamo-lhe flores e árvores e montes e sol e luar;
Porque, se ele se fez, para eu o ver,
Sol e luar e flores e árvores e montes,
Se ele me aparece como sendo árvores e montes
E luar e sol e flores,
É que ele quer que eu o conheça
Como árvores e montes e flores e luar e sol.

E por isso eu obedeço-lhe,
(Que mais sei eu de Deus que Deus de si próprio?),
Obedeço-lhe a viver, espontaneamente,
Como quem abre os olhos e vê,
E chamo-lhe luar e sol e flores e árvores e montes,
E amo-o sem pensar nele,
E penso-o vendo e ouvindo,
E ando com ele a toda a hora.

State of Emergency

There's a movie playing in my head
Bombs falling and children crying
The sunrise and the sky turns red
Load your guns tonight

There's a song playing down the hall
All alone there's an old man dying
I can't feel anything at all
Something isn't right

This is a state of emergency
I've been running from a tragedy
There's a battle raging in my head
I don't wanna be left for dead

This is a state of emergency
Don't wanna be another casualty
There's a cemetery in my head
I don't wanna be left for dead

There's a world standing in my way
Father said that I best stop trying
Stand down, it will be okay
You don't have to fight

There's a picture hanging on the wall
Of a memory that I'm denying
The sun sets and the angels fall
Something isn't right

This is a state of emergency
I've been running from a tragedy
There's a battle raging in my head
I don't wanna be left for dead

This is a state of emergency
Don't wanna be another casualty
There's a cemetery in my head
I don't wanna be left for dead

No, don't leave me here alone
I don't wanna make this hell my home
I would rather die than sell my soul
I would rather lie than let you go

There's a voice screaming in my head
Telling me that I'd best stop crying
Stand up, it will be okay
Load your guns tonight

This is a state of emergency
I've been running from a tragedy
There's a battle raging in my head
I don't wanna be left for dead

This is a state of emergency
Don't wanna be another casualty
There's a cemetery in my head
I don't wanna be left for dead

State of emergency!
State of emergency!
State of emergency!
I don't wanna be left for dead!

by Papa Roach

Friday, October 16, 2009

Álvaro de Campos

"Todas as cartas de amor são
Não seriam cartas de amor se não fossem

Também escrevi em meu tempo cartas de amor,
Como as outras,

As cartas de amor, se há amor,
Têm de ser

Mas, afinal,
Só as criaturas que nunca escreveram
Cartas de amor
É que são

Quem me dera no tempo em que escrevia
Sem dar por isso
Cartas de amor

A verdade é que hoje
As minhas memórias
Dessas cartas de amor
É que são

(Todas as palavras esdrúxulas,
Como os sentimentos esdrúxulos,
São naturalmente

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

I Don't Know

Today they asked me:
"Why do you always seem to fight?"
But though I could not answer, I'd have lost my way
And I could tell that this ain't right.
The morning sunrise seemed to ask me
Why I tried to find the strength in people
Who had never thought about a different way of life.
It just doesn't seem that easy!

I don't know where to go!
I don't know what to be!
I don't know how to change from being me!
I don't know what to say!
Maybe another day
I'll stop getting lost and find my way home.
All I know is gone...

But the storms I've weathered, you know they don't seem to be as bad
If you think there's hope from here and there's a life you should now have.
I don't have answers and no questions spring to mind.
So here I've ended up now, there's no more signs and the roads are blocked,
All night...
It just doesn't seem that easy!

I don't know where to go!
I don't know what to be!
I don't know how to change from being me!
I don't know what to say!
Maybe another day,
I'll stop getting lost and find my way home.
All I know is gone...

I see no reason to move on.

I don't know where to go!
I don't know what to be!
I don't know how to change from being me!
I don't know what to say!
Maybe another day,
I'll stop getting lost and find my way home.
All I know is gone...

by Lostprophets

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Fernando Pessoa

"Tudo o que faço ou medito
Fica sempre na metade.
Querendo, quero o infinito.
Fazendo, nada é verdade.

Que nojo de mim me fica
Ao olhar para o que faço!
Minha alma é lúcida e rica,
E eu sou um mar de sargaço -

Um mar onde bóiam lentos
Fragmentos de um mar de além...
Vontades ou pensamentos?
Não o sei e sei-o bem."

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Omg! Não escrevo aqui há tanto tempo! :| Mas agora também não me apetece escrever...


Tuesday, September 1, 2009



Sometimes when I lie
I know you're on to me.
Sometimes I don't mind
How hateful that I can be.

Sometimes I don't try
To make you happy.
I don't know why I do the things I do to you but…

Sometimes I don't wanna be better.
Sometimes I can't be put back together.
Sometimes I find it hard to believe
There's someone else who could be
Just as messed up as me.

Sometimes don't deny
That everything is wrong.
Sometimes rather die
Than to admit it's my fault.

Sometimes when you cry
I just don't care at all.
I don't know why I do the things I do to you but...

Sometimes I don't wanna be better.
Sometimes I can't be put back together.
Sometimes I find it hard to believe
There's someone else who could be
Just as messed up as me.

I want someone to hurt,
Like the way I hurt.
It's sick but it makes me feel better.

Sometimes I can't hide
The demons that I face.
Sometimes don't deny,
I'm sometimes sinner sometimes saint.

Sometimes I don't wanna be better.
Sometimes I can't be put back together.
Sometimes I find it hard to believe
There's someone else who could be
Just as messed up as me.

by Skillet

Saturday, August 29, 2009

O Diário de um Banana.


Tão giro!!! Gostei imenso, lulz. Era para dizer mais alguma coisa... mas a estas horas escapa-me. Sowy.
AH! PARTE ENGRAÇADA! Quote: "Doutor, pode dar-me um rabo novo? O meu tem uma racha." LOLOLOL

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Novos livros - Mötley Crüe

Visual History

mötley crüe - a visual history

Ainda mais brutal do que eu estava à espera. Tipo, mesmo lindo! <3

The Dirt

the dirt

Recebi-o na segunda-feira, mas ainda li muito pouco. Mas já está a rular, e claro que vai rular muito mais!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Mötley Crüe em Portugal?

Não, nem por isso. Mas seria brutal! E por isso fiz uma petição - - para o tentar.
Eu sei, provavelmente não vai dar em nada e bla bla bla. Mas não custa tentar, né? E sempre posso dizer que tentei.
Apenas... Assinem... Não custa.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Computador estúpido...

O meu computador decidiu fazer birra -.- Agora não trabalha! Estúpido... Se amanhã continuar assim vou ter de me controlar para não o atirar pela janela.
Tenho de estar no mini computador da minha mãe... T_T tristeza... E daqui a pouco este também fica sem bateria... ugh... bah... wtv...
Vou virar emo... *cuts*

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Ninguém É Quem Queria Ser - Foge Foge Bandido

Somos a fachada de uma coisa morta
E a vida como que a bater à nossa porta.
Quando formos velhos,
Se um dia formos velhos,
Quem irá querer saber quem tinha razão?
De olhos na falésia
Espera pelo vento,
Ele dá-te a direcção.

Ninguém é quem queria ser.
Eu queria ser ninguém.

A idade é oca e não pode ser motivo.
Estás a ver o mundo feito um velho arquivo.
Eu caminho e canto pela estrada fora
E o que era mentira pode ser verdade agora.
Se o cifrão sustenta a química da vida
Porque tens ainda medo de morrer?
Faltará dinheiro.
Faltará cultura.
Faltará procura dentro do teu ser.

Ninguém é quem queria ser.
Eu queria ser ninguém.

Diz-me se ainda esperas encontrar o sentido
Mesmo sendo avesso a vê-lo em ti vestido.
Não tens de olhar sem gosto
Nem de gostar sem ver.
Ninguém é quem queria ser.

Ninguém é quem queria ser.
Eu queria ser ninguém.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

You could be mine

I'm a cold heartbreaker
Fit to burn and I'll rip your heart in two
And I'll leave you lying on the bed
I'll be out the door before you wake
It's nothing new to you
'Cause I think we've seen that movie too

'Cause you could be mine
But you're way out of line
With your bitch slap rappin'
And your cocaine tongue
You get nothing done
I said, you could be mine

Now holidays come and then they go
It's nothing new today
Collect another memory
When I come home late at night
Don't ask me where I've been
Just count your stars
I'm home again

'Cause you could be mine
But you're way out of line
With your bitch slap rappin'
And your cocaine tongue
You get nothing done
I said, you could be mine

You've gone sketchin' too many times
Why don't you give it a rest
Why must you find
Another reason to cry

While you're breaking down my back n' I been racking out my brain
It don't matter how we make it
'Cause it always ends the same
You can push it for more mileage
But your flaps are wearing thin
And I could sleep on it 'til morning
But this nightmare never ends
Don't forget to call my lawyers
With ridiculous demands
And you can take the pity so far
But it's more than I can stand
'Cause this couchtrip's getting older
Tell me how long has it been
'Cause 5 years is forever
And you haven't grown up yet

You could be mine
But you're way out of line
With your bitch slap rappin'
And your cocaine tongue
You get nothing done
I said, you could be mine
You should be
You could be mine


by Guns N' Roses

Friday, July 31, 2009

"It's me, myself and I 'til death do us apart."

I'm boooooooooored ò.ó Por isso decidi vir para aqui fazer porcaria.
Bem... Estou a ouvir o Greatest Hits dos Guns N' Roses m/ E acabei de ver "A Duquesa". E é isso. Buéda fixe, I know!
BAH! Que seca -.-
... Entretanto esqueci me disto LOL.
Whatever. Byes.

Nota: O título é Mötley Crüe ^^

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Fica Mais Um Pouco - Matilha

Já não sei como explicar que isto não é para mim.
Do trabalho para casa, uma rotina sem fim.
E ter de contar à noite os trocos para jantar,
Pagar vida com juros para poder respirar.
O tempo passa e eu continuo igual
Dentro de um episódio de uma série banal.
Continuo sem fé de encontrar amor.
Jogo contra mim mesmo um jogo sem vencedor.

Mas quando te vejo renasce a ilusão
Procuro tocar-te
Estendo a minha mão

Fica mais um pouco,
Fica mais um pouco,
Fica mais um pouco.
Fica junto a mim.

O prazer de me perder em becos sem saída.
Insistir no curativo para disfarçar a ferida.
Ter nas mãos a ferramenta para decidir se levanto a cabeça ou se a deixo cair.
Fecho os olhos sem esperança num dia melhor,
Adormeço sabendo a minha vida de cor.
Acordo e faço de conta que ainda durmo assim,
Por segundos penso que o pesadelo teve fim.

Mas quando te vejo renasce a ilusão
Procuro tocar-te
Estendo a minha mão

Fica mais um pouco,
Fica mais um pouco,
Fica mais um pouco.
Fica junto a mim.

Já não sei como explicar que isto não é para mim.

Saturday, July 18, 2009


Segundo post no magalhães!!! Ahhh!!!!
Os Mötley rulam tanto...
Sim, devem ter passado para aí uns cinco minutos desde o último posto, se tanto, but who cares?! Já disse, NÃO ESTOU "SOZINHA"!
Como acabei de dizer, os Mötley Crüe rulam *-* Mesmo antes de vir para a Madeira (ya, estou na Madeira), no aeroporto, comprei uma revista e lá estava o meu lindo Nikki Sixx 8D
E E E E... no Buzz Quiz TV apareceu uma pergunta sobre eles! :D ME SO HAPPY.
Mais... continua tudo um bocado a roda, e o banco ainda não ajuda... Acho que isto está a ficar sem bateria, não sei bem. O miúdo vai ficar zangado, ahah, vou-me rir. Hoje de manhã, quando acordei, gritei "Bom dia Magalhães!" e o miúdo ficou ofendido LOL, so... :p E gritei com ele :o fez me uma cara LOL foi lindo!
BTW! Estraguei os meus phones T_T Hoje é que estava a olhar sabe-se lá para onde, e vi o mp3 do miúdo, e fez-se luz! LOL Agora já não compro uns novos, espero para voltar ao continente e a minha mãe que pague, ahah.
Vou ver o Edd (a minha linda mana está a mostrar um vid à bruxinha má) e vou pa cama. Agora é de vez.
BOA NOITE!!! :D <3333'

O meu primeiro magalhães!

Este é o meu primeiro (e último) post no magalhães! ^^ Eu já não estou suzinha (sotaque açoreano, ah pois é!) e por isso está um bocadinho díficil de escrever.
Bem, só quis aproveitar que o puto está dormir e como eu já disse, não estou "sozinha", por isso, cá foi disto xD
Já estou a ver as coisas um cado à volta, por isso já me ia. Mas não me apeteceee. Estava a querer jogar um joguinho do magalhães, mas isto não está a querer abrir. Vou tentar outra vez.
Desisto, agora não percebo nada disto O_O Não sei como é que um puto de oito anos, completamente parvo, percebe mais disto do que eu!!! Estou muito frustada! E estes bancos a rodar não ajudam nada... Ai, não estou mesmo suzinha! Até tenho medo de como vou acordar...
BEM... A minha madrasta está alí a ver os meus eps parvos do Show do Jaime, o meu pai já foi dormir (também não estava suzinho!) e a outra está como eu.
... Ok... Acho que a minha cabeça vai explodir...
Adeeeeeeeeeeeeeus :D! Gosto tanto de vocês!!<33'

Friday, July 3, 2009


Para celebrar o post nº100 decidi pôr uma música benita dos tão awesome Mötley :D HAPPY 100 POST! x)

Do you, do you wanna bleed?

Do you, do you wanna live in vain?

It's only life.
She's so afraid to kiss
And so afraid to laugh.
Is she running from her past?
It's only life.
She's so afraid of love.
Is so afraid of hate.
What's she running from now?

Do you, do you wanna scream?
Do you, do you wanna face the strange?
Do you, do you believe?
Are you, are you afraid of change?

It's only life.
She's so afraid of this
And so afraid to ask.
She hides behind her mask.
It's only life.
She's so afraid of pain.
So afraid of blame.
It's driving her insane.

So insecure,
There is no cure.

Well, she's so afraid.
She's so afraid of death.
She's afraid, afraid of life.
The drama in her head,
Getting louder all the time.
Getting louder all the time!

She's so afraid, afraid to lose.
Been so afraid of fame.
Everyday she feels the same,
It's driven her insane...

(Another broken pretty thing)

by Mötley Crüe

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

This ain't a love song

I met her down at Marylin's grave
Lookin' like an S & M slave
Drinkin' like a fool
With a prison tattoo on her cheek
Well I knew that we would never last
'Cause we were runnin' from our criminal past
But none of that mattered
I was high and she was flattered by me

I had wine and 2-gram lines
To get inside her head
There was no need for roses
I just layed her down in bed

This ain't a love song
This is a fuck song
Don't have to sing along
This ain't a love song
It's just a fuck song

She didn't wanna look in my eyes
As we barreled down Mulholland Drive
Lookin for a place to suck a little face and get high
Suzy didn't call it love
She was good just givin' it up
All she really wanted was a little rock and roll tonight

She said turn it up so fucking loud
That I can't hear my mind
She bit down on the bedpost
And I watched Suzy grind

This ain't a love song
This is a fuck song
Don't have to sing along
This ain't a love song
It's just a fuck song
Let's do it all night long

I had wine and 2-gram lines
To get inside her head
There was no need for roses
I just layed her down in bed

This ain't a love song
This is a fuck song
Don't have to sing along
This ain't a love song
It's just a fuck song
Let's do it all night long

by Motley Crüe

Friday, June 12, 2009

A short alternative medical dictionary

Antes de mais, hoje chegou me a casa o "Heroin Diaries"! Me very happy! :D
Para celebrar vou pôr aqui o capítulo "a short alternative medical dictionary - definitions courtesy of Dr. Lemuel Pillmeister (also known as Lemmy)" que está logo no inicio - e que é genial

Addiction: When you can give up something any time, as long as it's next Tuesday.

Alcoholism: A habit that helps you to see the iguanas in your eyeballs.

Cocaine: Peruvian Marching Powder-a stimulant that has the extraordinary effect that the more you do, the more you laugh out of context.

Depression: When everything you laugh at is miserable and you can't seem to stop.

Heroin: A drug that helps you to escape reality, while making it much harder to cope when you are recaptured.

Psychosis: When everybody turns into tiny dolls and they have needles in their mouths and they hate you and you don't care because you have THE KNIFE! AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Dead Man's Ballet

Ainda estou à espera que me chegue o "Heroin Dairies" ;_;

Oh no, how could this happen to
Such an amazing young boy.
I had my whole life ahead of me.

Oh God, how could you have let this
Happen to such a lovely young child.
I was their only son and I tried,
Tried, tried!

(Come on,
Come on get out of the way.
Get out of the way man.
You're going to have to let go of his arm.
You have to let go sir.
We've got about two minutes here.
We've got about two minutes and we're going to lose him.)

Yeah, you, you miserable father
The one who ignored me for half of my life!
Now I, I can't even look at you.
Why? Why? Why?!

Don't abandon me now,
I don't want to die!

You can lead him to the ambulance
But you cannot make him live.
No, you cannot make me live!
You can lead him to the ambulance;
Lead me home!
But you cannot make him live.

Would, could I have done differently?
You never said there was anything wrong.
Now the drugs, they give me encouragement.
Why? Why? Why?

Oh God, tell me I'll make it.
I'll give you my blood if that's all you need!
Just don't tell me that I'm gonna die,
Die, die!

Don't abandon me now.
I don't want to die...

You can lead him to the ambulance
But you cannot make him live
No you cannot make me live!
You can lead him to the ambulance;
Why can't we celebrate? Lead me home!
But you cannot make him live

by Sixx: A.M.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Life is Beautiful

You can't quit until you try.
You can't live until you die.
You can't learn to tell the truth
Until you learn to lie.

You can't breathe until you choke.
You gotta laugh and know the joke.
There's nothing like a funeral to make you feel alive.

Just open your eyes.
Just open your eyes
And see that life is beautiful.
Will you swear on your life
That no one will cry at my funeral?

I know some things that you don't.
I've done things that you won't.
There's nothing like a trail of blood
to find your way back home.

I was waiting for my hearse,
What came next was so much worse.
It took a funeral to make me feel alive!

Just open your eyes.
Just open your eyes
And see that life is beautiful.
Will you swear on your life
That no one will cry at my funeral?

by Sixx: A.M.

Sunday, May 17, 2009


Years ago, when I was younger
I kind of liked, a girl I knew
She was mine and we were sweethearts
That was then but then it's true

I'm in love with a fairytale
Even though it hurts
Cause I don't care if I lose my mind,
I'm already cursed

Every day we started fighting
Every night we fell in love
No one else could make me sadder
But no one else could lift me high above

I don't know what I was doing
Suddenly we fell apart
Nowadays I cannot find her
But when I do we'll get a brand new start

I'm in love with a fairytale
Even though it hurts
Cause I don't care if I lose my mind,
I'm already cursed

She's a fairytale, yeah
Even though it hurts
cause I don't care if I lose my mind,
I'm already cursed

by Alexander Rybak

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Scorpion Flower

Curse the day, hail the night
Flower grown in the wild
In your empty heart
In the breast that feeds
Flower worn in the dark

Can I steal your mind for a while?
Can I stop your heart for a while?
Can I freeze your soul and your time?
Scorpion flower
Token of death
Ignite the skies with your eyes
And keep me away from your light

Surrender tears to your mortal act
Flower cursed be thy fruit
Of your courage last
Of your grand finale
Flower crushed in the ground
In your empty heart
In the breast that feeds
Flower worn in the dark

Can I steal your mind for a while?
Can I stop your heart for a while?
Can I freeze your soul and your time?
Scorpion flower
Token of death
Ignite the skies with your eyes

In your empty heart
In the breast that feeds
Flower worn in the dark

Can I steal your mind for a while?
Can I stop your heart for a while?
Can I freeze your soul and your time?
Scorpion flower
Token of death
Ignite the skies with your eyes

by Moonspell

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Plagued by images

Lock me up inside my room.
Leave me without toys and food.
Keep that monster in my bed.
Just remember I'm not dead!

You forget my memory lives way beyond these walls!
You forget my indecision's taking all control!

Once in a far land I grabbed you,
And you woke me up to my origin.

People have to understand my innocence has gone!

Go beyond my urge,
Or make an effort to,
Living on my own, plagued by images!

Once in a far land I grabbed you,
And you woke me up to my origin.

by CKY

Friday, May 1, 2009


So I've betrayed self
So I've betrayed you
So what now?
So what do we do?

Pushing you away
Away from me

So I'm, I'm confused
So you're not amused
So I'm feeling used
So what do we do?

Pushing you away
Away from me

Empty inside
I'm dying, I'm crying
She makes me bad
Betrays my head
Empty inside
I'm dying, I'm crying
She makes me bad

by Static-X

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Last Night

Jan 19, 2007 2:27 AM

Last night I thought about you and everything we used to be. I laughed.
It was so damn funny the way you were dying...dying in my mind, dying in my heart!
But then, I felt a tear falling down my face. I wasn't laughing anymore...
I realized that I laugh to hide my tears. I smile so I don't face my fears.
Some people say I have to face it but...why? I'm just a child!

Last night I saw you...I fucked you up, I made you scream till your throat hurt and I killed you!
Then, I woke up screaming. It was just a dream. But it seemed so real... I didn't want to wake up, I wanted to do to you just the same you did to me!
I wanted to have the smile I had in my dream.

Last night I realized today I waste...

btw, I luv you***<3 (feb 12, 2007)

All my life, I always give up
But this time I won't let it happen.
Today I'll try,
Today I'll achieve what I wanted all my life - you!

I wish I could understand...
Why are you this way?
Why is so hard to tell me how you feel?
Don't go away, stay with me.

Seventeen forever

You are young and so am I.
And this is wrong but who am I to judge.
I feel like heaven when we touch.
I guess for me this is enough.

We're one mistake from being together
But let's not ask why it's not right.
You won't be seventeen forever,
And we can get away with this tonight.

You are young and I am scared.
You're wise beyond your years but I don't care.
And I can feel your heartbeat,
You know exactly where to take me.

We're one mistake from being together
But let's not ask why it's not right.
You won't be seventeen forever,
And we can get away with this tonight.

"Will you remember me?"
You ask me as I leave.
Remember what I said,
"Oh how could I, oh how could I forget?"

We're one mistake from being together
But let's not ask why it's not right.
You won't be seventeen forever,
And we can get away with this tonight.
by Metro Station

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Boy Who Wanted to Be a Real Puppet

So many years ago, many more than I'd
Even care to bear in my mind
From the darkest of all places I found you

All the limbs in their right places
And a heart made of real gold
Sell me your little doll, oh sir, I ask you kind

Every night I returned to watch them
The master and the puppet in the show
He said: "Oh, no, I cannot sell him...
Priceless he is, masterpiece of mine"

Please, sell me your puppet, sir
Name your price, oh please,
Whatever you may ask,
Tenfold the price I pay

"Did I not make it clear?
This debate is over
I will never part from this puppet, my son..."

With hungry eyes I followed them all night
The blind master and the puppet he had made
"No, sir, to sell is not my will!"
The doll is mine, even if I have to kill...

So it shall be... if this is what it takes
"Greed is truly blinder than me..."
"Heart of gold is what you wish for?"
"So, this little boy... wants to be... a puppet, for real..."

So I have the golden heart
Now only needing the voice of the master
Never feel hunger, never grow older
My dream was to be a star in a real puppet show

It's so hard to remember my life
The times before the show
Can I ever cut off the strings?
"Take a bow, now dance and sing..." (Sing!)

Would you turn me to a child again?
"No, never, I am your Guide"
You can see a small grin on the face
Of the master, when the puppet's in his place

Be careful what you wish for
Wishes might come alive
The twines are pulling me every day and night...
The show, the glitter and all the fame
I'd give away for a life
Some things can end with a word, they say
This only ends with a sharp knife (Knife!)

by Sonata Arctica

Monday, March 30, 2009

The Mystery Man

Today I felt like someone had just punched me right on the face.
I fell to my knees.
No one could see me falling...
Everything turned into a blur.
I saw a shadow...
What is happening? - I tried to ask.
"Shush, don't say a thing." I heard.
I felt like someone was picking me up. I tried to talk again, but I couldn't even utter a word.
I felt so secure...

"You aren't invisible to everyone, you know?"
It seemed like he had read my mind.
Who was he? Who was this person?
Only a second after he entered my life, I already felt like he was the most important person in it.
"I'll take care of you. You'll never be alone again."
I had so much to ask... I wanted so much to see this mystery man.
Suddenly, my thoughts seemed to become blurry too.

I woke up in a bed that I had never seen before.
I looked around. I had never seen such room in my entire life.
What happened? I couldn't remember anything.
"Finally you woke up. I was starting to worry." He smiled.
I got paralyzed. It was him - the mystery man.
Or should I say perfect man? Because he seemed like one.
He was tall had short dark hair and green eyes.
I couldn't say a word.
He sat down on the bed, next to me. "How are you?"
"Go...go...good..." My heart was racing.
He put his arm around me.
I felt like I was going to die right there.
"Don't think so much." He winked and kissed my forehead.
Suddenly, everything went black.

I woke up in my bedroom.
Where was my mystery man?
Where was the unknown bedroom?
Was it all a dream?

"I'll come back..." I heard it, vanishing.
It was him, his voice.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Death of me

I should have seen those signs all around me,
But I was comfortable inside these wounds.
So go ahead and take another piece of me now,
While we all bow down to you.

You tear me down and then you pick me up.
You take it all and still it’s not enough.
You try to tell me you can heal me
But I’m still bleeding,
And you’ll be the death of me!

How can you end my affliction,
If you’re the sickness and I’m the cure?
Too long I’ve faked this addiction.
Another sacrifice to make us pure.

You tear me down and then you pick me up.
You take it all and still it’s not enough.
You try to tell me you can heal me
But I’m still bleeding,
And you’ll be the death of me!

You tear me down and then you pick me up.
You take it all and still it’s not enough.
You try to tell me you can heal me
But I’m still bleeding,
And you’ll be the death of me!

I won’t forget.
I cannot forget this.
I won’t forget.
I’ll never forget this.
I won’t forget.
I cannot forget this.
I won’t forget.
I’ll never forget this.

I won’t forget!
I cannot forget this!
I won’t forget!
I’ll never forget!

You know I can never prove this solution.
You aren’t the one that I thought you were.
And so I learn to embrace this illusion,
The line that separates - it starts to blur.

You tear me down and then you pick me up.
You take it all and still it’s not enough.
You try to tell me you can heal me
But I’m still bleeding,
And you’ll be the death of me!

And you’ll be the death of me!

I will not forget!
I cannot forget this!
And you’ll be the death of me!

by RED