Saturday, January 30, 2010

The Outsider

Help me if you can.
It's just that this, this is not the way I'm wired.
So could you please,

Help me understand why
You've given into all these
Reckless dark desires.

You're lying to yourself again!
Suicidal imbecile!
Think about it, put it on the faultline.
What'll it take to get it through to you precious?
Over this. Why do you wanna throw it away like this?
Such a mess. I don't want to watch you...

Disconnect and self destruct one bullet at a time.
What's your rush now, everyone will have his day to die!

Medicated, drama queen, picture perfect, numb belligerence.
Narcissistic, drama queen, craving fame and all its decadence.

Lying through your teeth again!
Suicidal imbecile!
Think about it, put it on the faultline.
What'll it take to get it through to you precious?
Over this. Why do you wanna throw it away like this?
Such a mess. I don't want to watch you...

Disconnect and self destruct one bullet at a time.
What's your rush now, everyone will have his day to die!

They were right about you...

Lying to my face again!

Suicidal imbecile!
Think about it, put it on the faultline.
What'll it take to get it through to you precious?
Over this. Why do you wanna throw it away like this?
Such a mess. Over this, over this!

Disconnect and self destruct, one bullet at a time.
What's your hurry, everyone will have his day to die.
If you choose to pull the trigger, should your drama prove sincere,
Do it somewhere far away from here!

by A Perfect Circle

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

No More

Give me a reason to stay here
'Cause I don't wanna live in fear.
I can't stop the rain,
but I can stop the tears.
Oh, I can't fight the fire,
But I can fight the fear.

No more, I just can't live here
No more, I can't take it, can't take it!
No more, what do we stand for?
When we all live in fear!

Give me a reason to believe,
'Cause you don't wanna see me leave.
I can't stop the rain,
But I can stop the tears.
Oh, I can't fight the fire,
But I can fight the fear.

No more, I just can't live here
No more, I can't take it, can't take it!
No more, what do we stand for?
When we all live in fear!

by Three Days Grace

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Fly Away

I've waited my whole life to find you
I've dreamed like the desert dreams of rain
When the heavens opened up
And you descended
the raindrops through my fingers
slipped away

Now I'm so afraid that you'll fly away
And no cage on earth could ever make you stay
Now I'm so afraid that you'll fly away
I was afraid you'd fly away
When the cage is open
We'll fly away

So I tried to be everything that you wanted
But failed to be anything at all
I knew there'd come a day when you'd discover
I'm just an ordinary human after all

And I'm so afraid that you'll fly away
And no cage on earth could ever make you stay
Now I'm so afraid that you'll fly away
I was afraid you'd fly away
When the cage is open
We'll fly away

These wings are broken
These wings won't fly
I'm trapped here on the ground
While you reach for the sky

But I'm so afraid that you'll fly away
And no cage on earth could ever make you stay
But I'm so afraid to let it fly away
When the cage is open
We'll fly away

When the chains are broken
And the cage is open
Will my heart be broken?
We'll fly away

by The Dreaming

Saturday, January 2, 2010

"Pavi gets laid!"

Who are you in Repo! The Genetic Opera - Quiz Result

Pavi Largo

"You are like Pavi Largo, the narcissist/rapist/women-face wearer. You are totally in love with women's faces. Your own face got screwed up somehow, and your fetish with women's faces has lead to wearing them. They attatch with hooks which have been surgically put in your face. You have a strong Italian accent, and you "steal all the hearts". Your weapon is a mirror."

O Problema dos Sonhos

Que eu saiba, os sonhos são "reflexos" da nossa consciência, right? Não me venham com tretas de sonhos que adivinham o futuro e porcarias, se sonhas com algo, é porque está na tua cabeça.
Pois aí está logo o problema. Eu estou a escrever isto, que não vai dar em nada, mas apetece me escrever qualquer coisinha no blog (e este ano não estou com paciência para falar das férias ou de estarmos num novo ano - who cares anyway? vai ser um ano como todos os outros, feios. e não me venham com as tretas do horóscopo "este ano o escorpião vai estar óptimo!" ...yeah right), e porque estou farta dos sonhos que ando a ter. É sempre a mesma coisa. Podem mudar de "personagens" ou coisas, mas insinuam sempre a mesma coisa. E eu não gosto de tal coisa, porque eu já sou confusa o suficiente.
Quando eu me decido de alguma coisa, ou quando deixo de pensar noutra, sou logo atormentada com sonhos que insinuam, praticamente, que estou errada. For fuck sake! Haja paciência! E eu disso não tenho nenhuma.
Agora, se alguém lesse isto, o que diria era "mas se sonhas com isso, é porque no subconsciente or whatever o pensas/queres", e a isso eu respondo - ora muito obrigado, isso sei eu. E é isso que irrita! Quem acredita nas tretas que os sonhos têm respostas ou lá o que for, era um sinal e acabou. Mas eu não acredito em sinais, logo, o problema está na minha cabecinha. Logo, a minha cabeça está me a irritar >:C

Concluindo, este post não serviu para nada nem para falar de nada. Fantástico! Um post mesmo ao meu estilo.
(E nem sei porque continuo a perder tempo com coisas que sei que ninguém vai ler.)